Leadership FAQ - January - Holding effective Meetings
Plan ahead and have a well defined agenda. What do you want to accomplish with the time you have scheduled - regardless of whether you have a meeting for a few hours, a day, or more?
Winning is a Learned Outcome
The term win or winning is used a lot in business. What does it mean? Winning can mean different things at different stages. For a new team, winning maybe just taking the field or playing competitively.
10 Simple Things You Can Do For Your Team Today to Make Their Day Better
It may sound a little silly and even too simple to be a real strategy, but give it a try and see what happens. When leaders smile, often they invite conversation and engagement.
Have Fun Tracking Your Goals - Play BINGO for Achievement
Many times in our retail environment you come across different ideas to help motivate store teams to connect them to new projects or specific metrics in the business.
SPRINT to Goal Achievement
Goal setting is tested and true. However, we also know that most people that set goals, especially resolutions at the beginning of the year fail to achieve those goals.
Tech Tip - Notability - A Great Application for Taking Notes on the Go
One of the things I have enjoyed most about having an iPad since I got my first one was taking notes. I love to use it for store visits, meeting notes, and a place to sketch ideas as they pop into my head.
Habits are the Foundation for Success - New Year - New Habits
What drives the behaviors you carry out each day? In many cases they are driven by habits we have formed over time from different environments. We do not just have bad habits we want to change, we also maintain positive habits that help us win at life each day.
Best of 2018 Effective Retail Leader Articles
To close out 2018 I thought I would share the articles that you found the most interesting and helpful from the past twelve months.
FAQ Friday - FAQs for Leaders - December - Fresh Start
When the calendar flips to a new year we all want some things to change. It is a natural point which anyone can see as a new start. It is an opportunity for a fresh start. Keep in mind, just because the calendar changes, the problems, the behaviors, and the results will not change because the year does.
Stand Out - Write Your Goals Down for Success
I was shocked to find how out few people set or write goals, especially given the amount of information available on the importance of goals and goal setting.
Christmas 2018
To all those celebrating Christmas today, Merry Christmas. For others, I hope this holiday season has been joyous as well as productive.
Leaders Define the Difference Between Goals and Expectations
The words goals and expectations are two of the common components of the daily lexicon in the retail world. They are sometimes used interchangeably, and other times people argue that they are vastly different. A typical refrain about goals is that they are aspirational
Perception is not Reality - Vision and Communication Make the Difference
I have always been both fascinated and a little annoyed by the phrase, “perception is reality.” The ironic thing is how I interpret that statement, and its use is a case of perception.
Are Planning 'YOU' Time in 2019?
As the year is coming to a close many of us are in the midst of budgets and planning strategies for our business in the fast-approaching new year. It is easy to get caught up in that process for your store, district, or whatever level you are responsible for.