Do More Than You Are Paid to Do

Photo by lucas Favre on UnsplashI recently heard a Zig Ziglar quote on a podcast that really resonated with me. ‘When you do more than you’re paid to do, you will eventually be paid more for what you do.’ It was in reference to what can set people apart from others. This is an excellent way to get recognized in almost any type of role or business. When you exceed someone’s expectations, whether it be a customer or your supervisor, they take notice. This comes down to making a choice and giving some thought to how you can set yourself apart. First, you have to want to. Second, it’s taking the action that will differentiate. Here are two questions you can ask yourself to push towards doing more.

What Extra Value Could I Add?

Look for any small thing that would add value to the interaction. Think about the specific situation you find yourself in. It could be carrying something out to the customer’s car without being asked. Correcting something that you know is not set right, even if you weren’t asked to complete the task. Is there something extra you can do for a peer, co-worker, or your supervisor? Can you serve your team in a new way? Servant leadership always adds value to the relationship. These do not have to be huge things, just little items that will add some value to what you are already doing.

What Would I Want To Happen?

Put yourself in the shoes of your customer, co-worker, or supervisor and ask the question, “if it were me, what more would I hope to have happened?” This will help you anticipate the next steps. Keep it simple, apply what you would want to happen in the situation, and a high percentage of the time you will already be ahead. Take the action you believe needs to happen and people will remember the difference you are making for them. This not only adds value but is an excellent way for you to show that you are thinking ahead or at the next level.Asking yourself these two questions will place you well ahead of people that are just doing their job. Minimum expectations will never set you apart. Businesses are always looking to differentiate themselves, and you can help ensure that happens. In the process of doing so, you will establish your own personal brand as a unique contributor. Looking and thinking ahead while seeking to serve and add value to your daily interactions will help you do just that.What will you do today to do more than you are paid for? Share your thoughts in the comments section.


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