Strategic Goal Evaluation: Mastering End of Year Assessments for Results
As the end of the year approaches, taking time to reflect and assess how your year has gone brings many benefits for the year ahead. Here are some ideas on how you can make that work effectively for you.
Self-reflection and assessment can be hard, but I always find it rewarding, more so the more I do it). Find yourself some quiet space and dedicate ample time to reflect on your year, your learnings, and especially your accomplishments. #selfassessment #reflection #leaderslookback #planning #development #growth #leadership #2024 #goals
Sustaining Your Healthy Habits and Routines for Long-Term Success
In the journey of personal growth and positive transformation, the initial enthusiasm that accompanies the adoption of new habits can be exciting. Yet, as time progresses and life happens, many can find themselves challenged to sustain their new habits or routines. In this article, there are several ideas on how you can ensure the positive habits and routines you create have 'stickiness' for the long-term. #habits #routines #sustaingoodhabits #buildpositiveroutines #leadership #leaders #habitsofleaders
Building Productive and Supportive Habits and Routines: Changing How You Do Things
Explore the crucial steps in building habits that work for you, from identifying goals to incorporating new habits into existing routines. Learn the powerful technique of habit stacking, leveraging established behaviors for easier adoption of positive changes. Gain insights into celebrating small wins, the key to staying motivated and achieving long-term success in your habit-building journey.
Understanding the Power and Importance of Habits and Routines
Habits and routines are at the core of everything we do. Think about how you spend your days and your time. Do you have the right foundations to get you where you want to go? What are your daily and weekly habits and routines?
Tech Tip — MyNetDiary
Self-care and your overall health have to be a priority for every leader. If you’re not taking good care of yourself, you’ll be less able to support others. What you eat, when you eat, and how much you eat all factor into your overall well-being. This month’s tech tip is a review of the app MyNetDiary for food tracking.
5 Tools You Need For A Successful New Year Ahead
Gear up for a successful year ahead in retail leadership! This article shares practical insights on strategic planning, from yearly calendars to personal development. Ready to make the most of the coming year? This has some actionable tips and resources to help get you started. #RetailLeadership #StrategicPlanning #SuccessAhead #leadership #planning #leader #growth #development
November FAQ – Holiday Time Off
Can you balance working in retail during the holidays with taking time off?
A History of Black Friday in Retail
Ever wonder about the backstory of Black Friday and how we've landed where we are today. I did a little research and figured I would share some details from the past as well as some personal experiences from my many years in retail and serving and supporting Black Friday. #blackfriday #retail #sales #overload
Happy Thanksgiving 2023
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone gets the opportunity to spend time with friends and family.
I am certainly grateful for many things this year and continue to be grateful for my LinkedIn friends and colleagues and the community we share. #grateful #thanksgiving #retailers #joy #gratitude