New Year, New You - Build Good Habits for Success
What drives the behaviors you carry out each day? In many cases they are driven by habits we have formed over time from different environments.
Make ME Better in the New Year
Your personal development is something you own. You need to be proactive in looking for ways to continue to make yourself a better leader.
Do More Recognition in the New Year
Celebrating the successes from the previous year is always a good way to get the team excited for the year ahead. But recognition should not be a once a year event.
Inspire Your Team to Do More in the New Year
Everyone wants to get the new year off to a positive start. The idea of getting your team excited for the start of another year can seem daunting as well as exciting.
Reset the Stage for the New Year
Looking ahead to the new year is always an exciting time. The thought of a fresh start and the ability to clear results from the past year can inspire new energy for leaders and associates alike.
Performance is What You Measure
Everyone needs to know how they are doing. Understanding performance is a fundamental part of leadership. The term performance gets used in many different ways, but ultimately it is the outcome of our actions and behaviors.
An Introduction to Purpose Based Leadership
Why do you exist as a Company, Team, Or Leader? Defining one’s purpose is a critical aspect of any business. People need to know why you exist.
Set a High BAR for Your Priorities
Time is the most finite resource we all have. Everyone has the same 168 hours in each week. How we choose to use those hours will define us and our success.
Take A Moment to THANK Those People Who Made a Difference in You
Well, it’s Thanksgiving. At its core, it is a day to give thanks for what we have. While for some people in retail it is no longer a ‘day off’ holiday, it is still a day to take a little time to reflect
How can I be a more authentic leader?
Authenticity starts with defining the purpose for the team. They need to know why what they are doing is important.
Why is authentic leadership important?
If you want to influence others as a leader - and that is the primary outcome of leadership - you will need to build trust.
Authentic Leadership - What It Means For You
Authenticity is driven by one’s actions. Integrity is a crucial part to what authentic leadership is all about.
Coaching is Part of Leadership - 3 Ways to Make a Bigger Impact
Often, coaching is seen separately from leadership... You cannot be an effective leader that makes a long lasting impact without coaching those you serve.