Great Coaching and Customer Service Have One Important Thing in Common and It’s not What You’d Expect
You may wonder how coaching and customer service may go together outside the tradition thought of a manager coaching an employee on providing service to a customer. But, the two have more in common than one might suspect.
The Value of Creating a Customer Journey Map for You and Your Team
What do you know about your customers? This is a question that all companies ask themselves, and likely try to answer on a regular basis.
A Full Look at Store Visits and How You Can Positively Impact Your Store Before and After
One of the realities of retail are visits from District Managers, Regional Managers, or Corporate Support Partners.
The Power of Winning
I recently wrote in [*Winning is a Learned Outcome*] about how winning is something that can, and in many cases has to be learned.
10 Simple Things You Can Do For Your Team Today to Make Their Day Better
It may sound a little silly and even too simple to be a real strategy, but give it a try and see what happens. When leaders smile, often they invite conversation and engagement.
Servant Leadership Can Be Seen in These Exemplary Leaders
Seeing servant leadership in action or having examples of what it looks like is one of the best ways to further understand what servant leadership is. Leadership is driven from individuals, but when you build a culture of servant leadership,
Succession Planning Leads to World Class (and Championship) Outcomes
Every organization needs a way to identify and develop talent for the long-term. One of the best examples of how this works is in baseball. Professional baseball teams have development league teams, commonly referred to as ‘Farm Teams.’ These are teams that play at lower levels than what we know as the ‘Major League.’