Great Leaders Share Their Best Ideas to Help Everyone Find Their Own Success

Do you share your best ideas, or do you wait to see how they work out first? Perhaps you hold on to your ideas to ensure you have a bit of an advantage over your peers. Once you have demonstrated your success, then you share your idea as a ‘best practice’ - sound familiar?Adam Savage of ‘Mythbusters' fame, recently delivered a keynote speech for Maker Faire in San Francisco about how important it is for makers to share their ideas with others. I thought his thought process was spot-on and had application to so many things beyond just the audience he was speaking to, especially retail leadership.

Shutting out the voices of other humans has never been a path to achieve greatness. - Adam Savage

Is sharing ideas that much different from being asked to share our toys as kids? We may have disliked the idea at first, but in most cases, the sharing led to more fun in the end when you and your friends could build something together instead of separately.Listening is a part of sharing. When you are providing your undivided attention you are sharing your time, but also the thoughts that follow. But to add real value you must have a full understanding of what those around you are saying. What are their ideas that you can embrace, enable, and enhance?

Sharing defies the laws of physics. The more you give away, the more you have. - Adam Savage

Generosity is a trait that comes from being a dedicated servant leader. It is what creates joy as a leader. Sharing yourself, your ideas, and your experiences is what allows the learning cycle to continue and build a better future for everyone. We are all makers of something—leaders are no different—and sharing what we do may be the most important thing we do.What will you share with others today? Share your thoughts in comments.If you prefer to read the transcript of Adam’s speech, you can find it here. Photo by Ashes Sitoula on Unsplash


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