Don’t Confuse Teaching With Learning - They Are Vastly Different, Here’s How

I then explain that is why I will not hand out a syllabus this week because I need to know what you already know so that I can tailor the syllabus to meet your needs.  They are surprised by this statement, because, in the past, they come and we give a syllabus.  This is interesting; it seems if a syllabus is provided first, we are focused on teaching, not on learning. 1

Every great leader is both a teacher and a learner. There are distinct differences in those, but there are also important variances. From a leader’s point of view, not only is it important that you learn for yourself but understand how those you are serving and teaching learn as well. The ultimate outcome of teaching is not to share knowledge, but ensure understanding on the learner’s part.

Teaching - lesson plan.Learning - understanding


  • Teaching is not a goal in itself. One does not teach for the sake of teaching a great lesson. The purpose of teaching is to bring about learning. If you are not teaching to generate real learning, you are likely wasting everyone’s time.
  • Teachers can not control the entire learning process, but they do set the stage. A student must want to learn. They must be motivated one way or another. Teachers cannot teach those who are unwilling to learn. Remember the adage, “you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink.” There must be a connection between teacher and learner - this same bond that can create an environment for engaged behavior, trust, and motivation, also drives the culture for learning.
  • Teaching methodologies must be varied by teachers to accommodate the different individual learning styles of students. There is no one-size-fits-all teaching method. Student type dictates teaching method — situational leadership in action.
  • Teaching performance is generally measured by gains in student learning. Not by the teaching itself. Post teaching observations and performance results are as much a measure of the leader (teacher) as they are the associate (learner).
  • The ultimate goal of teaching is to enable learners to teach themselves, to become life-long learners. Leaders developing future leaders.
  • The best teachers remain perpetual learners. They update their knowledge and teaching skills on a continuing basis. 2

An Effective Teacher:

  • Motivates.
  • Provides information.
  • Sets the environment.
  • Influences.
  • Creates enthusiasm for the subject and the outcomes.
  • Teaches to the student’s needs, not their own agenda.
  • Matches the learner’s style of learning.
  • Teaching is an action that may not have a measurable outcome
  • Don’t confuse teaching (or training) for the necessary outcome.

An Effective Learner:

  • Wants to learn.
  • Captures information.
  • Makes it personal and relevant for themselves.
  • Can come in many forms.
  • Will put learning into immediate use.
  • Will ask questions that lead to mastery.
  • Shares their learning to help others - teaching what they have learned to reinforce their new knowledge.

Keys for Leaders:

  • As a leader, a significant part of your role is teaching.
  • Effective teaching is key - the act of teaching is meaningless. Learning must occur in order for teaching to be considered effective.
  • What you teach/train must turn into new actions and behaviors to deliver the expected outcomes.
  • Know why you are going to teach what you are going to teach.
  • Do you know how your associates learn best? Group training may be a necessity, but individualize the follow up to ensure learning has occurred.

Training is often used for action plan items; your role as a leader must be to validate that training is a root cause or solution for the issue at hand. If there is no new actions or behaviors that will come from additional training, then training is not the appropriate action. Ask yourself why you believe training is the solution for your situation?

Validating Learning - how can to determine if learning has occurred?

  • Ask questions.
  • Create practice sessions.
  • Conduct observations.
  • Play games, have fun with it. Test the learner’s knowledge and application in new and different ways.

Teaching, training, and learning can all be exciting activities. Every effective leader actively participates in all three. They encourage others to do so, as well. Understanding the difference between teaching and learning is critical to the success of both. Effective teaching has not occurred if no learning has occurred. Meaningful learning will not occur if the teaching is not effective. Set the environment, tailor the lesson, observe the outcomes, and provide feedback as additional teaching. Repeat.How can you ensure you are effectively teaching as a leader?Join other retail leaders in continuing their development journey with Effective Retail SUBSCRIBE today to receive FREE leadership tips directly to your inbox and monthly newsletters that provide many tools to help further develop your leadership skills all at no cost. JOIN NOW!No spam ever - just leadership goodness.

  1. Learning vs. Teaching: Is this a difference we should think about?

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