Are You Developing Your Top Talent for a Brighter Future?

Attracting talent is a challenge for every business, especially in our current environment. Maintaining talent, is as critical as it has ever been. Building a team around engagement, experience, and potential is a must for every leader in retail today.

Most organizations have some way of identifying their high potential associates. And, if for any reason there is not currently a way, I would encourage you to take matters into your own hands and ensure you know who your best players are. These folks are your future and will be the difference between achieving average results and having a foundation for exceptional results. One typical barrier many face is what to do with that high potential talent once identified. There are a couple of steps that everyone can take, regardless of your company’s programs, to ensure that you begin to maximize what your top talent has to offer and set them up for long-term success.

Tell Them

That sounds silly, but ensure that your high potential associates know that you have identified them as the cream of the crop. This serves as a form of recognition and will also let them know you have seen their hard work and commitment pay off. Most people you have identified as having high potential are already aware that they are different and would like to know that it has been noticed. There are occasions where you see true potential that maybe the person hasn't identified with yet. Then it can really be an ignition switch to their full abilities. Be specific in what you have identified as special. Let them know that you value them and their skills. Finally, talk to them about what they want to do long-term.

Treat Them Differently

Now that they know that you have identified them as different from the others, begin to treat them differently as well. This has nothing to do with being fair. You should be fair with everyone, regardless of their talent level. What I mean here is you should give your high potential talent new opportunities. Assign bigger, more impactful projects when they become available. Bring them into different meetings or discussions and ask for their input. You need to begin to expose them to situations that will engage them and stretch their to thinking in new and different ways. Set aside additional time to discuss what they are working on and how they are challenging themselves to look at their work from a new perspective.

Build a Personal Development Plan

This is as much their action as it is yours as a leader. Your role should be to jump start the activities and then serve as a mentor as they work through their plan. Their Personal Development Plan (PDP) should touch on multiple areas of their development. How will they learn new things and expand their mind? What are they doing for themselves? How are they taking care of their body? And finally, what are the actual activities they are doing to reinforce the learning and new exposure. In short, what will they do to gain the experience? Not all things on the PDP needs to be work related. One item could be dedicated to their health or a hobby, and that is perfectly OK. Remember, it is their PDP. Your role continues to be guiding them to tie it all together to help them achieve their goals. Your first question when working on their PDP with them should be, "what do you want to achieve from working on this plan?" Followed by, "What does success look like to you?" From there, you can continue to come back to those items and ensure the actions and activities they are taking are helping them get to those outcomes.

Have Them in a High Potential Program

Hopefully, your company has a program to help in the development of the high potential associates. If not, it could be something that you build or support. This can be as simple as finding some articles for your associates to read, and then conduct a discussion group with those identified. This is where investing in your people comes into play. It doesn't always have to be a lot of money. Time can be the most valuable investment. Having them be a part of a group will expose them to other high potential associates that they may not be working with on a day to day basis. It will push them to think differently than they do in their everyday role. Finally, it is another excellent way to show that you see them as different from other associates.

These relatively simple steps will get you on your way to taking care of your best talent. Connect with your high potential and tell them they are highly valued. Treat them differently according to their advanced potential. Help them to build their development plan and enroll them in a high potential program. In doing each of these things, the benefits will be wide and long-lasting. These associates will appreciate your support and leadership. It will build loyalty within your organization leading to contributions at an even higher level which ultimately leads to a brighter future for you and your company.

What are you doing to support your highest potential talent?

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