Best of 2020 — a Look at the Top Articles from Effective Retail Leader Throughout a Crazy Year.

2020 certainly took us on a detour none of us expected. Many articles I wrote over the past twelve months would never have happened if we had not experienced a terrible pandemic that impacted the entire globe. It was interesting to see the response from readers across the year.

In terms of readership and visits to Effective Retail Leader, it was a record-breaking year. The views on the site more than doubled over the past year. Thank you! The engagement has continued to grow and feedback remains very positive. Again, thank you.

I thought I would share the top read articles from the year as well as a couple that were specific to the events of this year.

Tech Tip — Notability — A Great Application for Taking Notes on the Go

This look at the iPad application Notability has been a top article since 2019. Notability remains an excellent tool for capturing notes, plus so much more. Good Notes is a similar app; I provided a look into that application earlier this year as well. Good Notes is the one I use more often now, but both are excellent options.

4 Types of Influence Leaders Use to Make a Difference

A couple of articles on influence have raced to the top of the most-read charts this year. It makes sense during a time when leadership is so important and welcomed.

Why is Influence Important as a Leader?

The second influence article in the top for 2020. Every leader wants to make a difference and influence others in a positive way. It is the way. (For you Mandalorian fans.)

Servant Leadership Can Be Seen in These Exemplary Leaders

Servant Leadership is one of my favorite subjects. I am not sure I would have expected this look at the best examples to be one of the top articles, but I am so happy that it is. Even more exciting is to see the links clicked from this article where others are continuing their research and learning on the subject. Servant Leadership and its concepts have never been more important.

After the Coronavirus Where Does Retail Go From Here?

I wrote this in the early days of the pandemic. Lockdowns were only a few weeks old at that point. We all still hoped it would be a temporary blip. Looking back, the article still holds nine months later. OmniChannel retailing will continue to grow. Value will remain critical, and demonstrating a clean and safe environment to shop in will be the new expectation — even with a vaccine on the way.

7 Ways to Re-energize after Five Months of the COVID Lifestyle

Change five months to nine months and this is still important. The COVID lifestyle is the new normal. Many of the changes we made many months ago are likely to be the new normal way of life. My hope is the overall feeling will turn positive as a vaccine becomes available, we learn more about how to combat the disease, and we take prevention as seriously as it needs to be. There are lessons to be learned from this event that will help all of us for the foreseeable future.

Finally, an article that I thought was important to write at the time, and I believe it still is. There is a long way to go in understanding what social justice really means. It is more than protests; it is more than slogans on a sign. Our challenges go beyond just what the news shows us on TV and what we may see as a police brutality issue. We have a human problem. We must come to grips with the fact that not everyone is treated equally. It is wrong and we must improve. As a society, we have to look beyond gender, race, orientation, and other personal preferences and begin seeing each other as humans, peers, partners in a single world where we all want to find happiness, success, and a nice place to live and raise children if we have them. If 2020 taught us nothing else, let it be that we must all work together to make our planet a better place. No one person, no one race, no one gender can do this alone — we must be in it together to make it better. Things Aren’t Right and Real Change Needs to Happen.

I look forward to the year ahead and the possibilities it presents. I look forward to sharing my thoughts and stories along the way. Thank you for that privilege.

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Tech Tip – January – Goal Tracking and Planning


Happy New Year! And a look ahead to 2021 and all that it can be