4 Things To Do Right Now To Ensure You Achieve Your Goals This Year
Over the past few articles, I have been speaking to where you may find yourself in your goals and personal development for this year so far.
Its June - How Are Your Goals Progressing For The Year?
Time moves fast and before you know it half the year has passed by. Have you found yourself in that situation so far this year?
4 Things Some Store Managers Do That Limit Their Potential
On any given day, every retail store manager faces multiple challenges. From dealing with associate issues, scheduling complications, and the occasional customer complaint, they can eat away at our time to truly lead our teams.
5 Things You Are Doing as a DM That May Prevent Your Best Results
Being a District Manager in a retail environment is a fast-paced, always on, constantly changing role that is absolutely critical to the success of any retail business.
Tech Tip - June - Using iOS Mail
Catching up on email is one of the most popular uses for this mobile device. Deciding which email application to use can be one of the more challenging decisions when trying to get the most from this great tool.
FAQ - May - How do I Create Effective Stretch Assignments for my Top Talent?
Effective stretch assignments are tailored to the individual. What skills does your top performer need exposure and experience with?
How Influencing Upward Helps You as a Leader
[Influence is an important skill for any leader.] The ability to influence upwards is advanced leadership and critical to those looking to advance beyond their current levels.
How to Influence Your Boss and Get Ahead
One of the most important things we can do as a leader is influence those we work for.There is a way to accomplish this without feeling as though you are stepping on any toes or stepping out of line.
Responsibility Without Authority - How to Influence Without Titles
I would like to make a difference, influence others, but my current title doesn't allow me to accomplish those things. Perhaps you have heard that before,
Taking Action on Your Time Tracking Log
Are you still tracking your time? What have you done with that information? Knowing how your time is spent is an essential first step, but taking action to make changes is the ultimate goal of gathering that data.
Tech Tip - Time Tracking Options
time tracking is not an easy process, especially since we spend a lot of time on different devices, doing multiple things.
Are you an ‘AND’ person or an ‘OR’ person?
We face AND/OR questions every day. Can you do this *and* that? Should I do this *or* that? It seems simple enough, and often we may not think too much about it.
Want to Grow in Your Career? It Starts With Believing in Yourself
The one thing every leader must have is belief in themselves. If you don't believe in yourself, no one else will either.
Leadership FAQs - March - Revisiting Project Overwhelm
In December I addressed a common question about feeling overwhelmed with different projects and not having enough time to spend with the team or for store visits. In that response I spoke about the value of time blocking and how that can assist in freeing up time to complete the things that are most important to you.