Friday FAQs June - Questions from Today’s Future Leaders
One Friday each month I dedicate the post to looking at some questions I have heard recently from developing leaders. Sharing those questions and my thoughts for them is a way for me to spread the information to as many leaders and future leaders as possible.
Strengthen Your Leadership by Honing Your Influence Skills
John Maxwell said, ‘Leadership *is* influence’. He explains that leadership is a verb and not a noun. It is not a position, rather the act of leading to grow and develop others. If you cannot influence others the ability to lead them will be lost.
Why is Influence Important as a Leader?
Understanding why influence is important may seem obvious: you want other people to think or act as you do. But becoming an influential leader is much more than getting people to do what you want.
What is Influence?
Leadership is influence. Influence is leadership. This is a conundrum that we all face when thinking about what influence is and what it means. Do you need to have influence to be a leader?
Who Would You Take With You? More importantly - Who Would Follow You?
You have just begun a new leadership role in a company that has tremendous potential. It is a small, relatively unknown company, but it is up and coming and could be something significant in the future.
Technology Tuesday - Omni Outliner - Build Outlines Like a Pro
Do you need to capture your thoughts in a quick, organized fashion? When inspiration hits, how do you ensure that you get that information into a place and way that you can refer back to later?
As the Guide You Become the Hero's Hero
Those you lead are the heroes in their own story. When they are in front of customers or their team - it has to be *their* story, not yours. The role you play is coach and coaches are rarely at the forefront of any hero's journey.
Reflecting Back on a Project Completed
It feels great to complete a project, regardless of the size. There is a sense of accomplishment and pride that comes from getting to the finish line. Whether your project was a tremendous success or it had bumps along the way there is something that every project has.
Small Steps Lead to Leaps and Bounds Improvement Over Time
Almost all success stories begin with small steps that eventually pick up steam and turn into something much bigger. We did not learn how to read or write overnight, it was the culmination of many small steps to get to a point of proficiency.
Friday FAQs - Questions from Today’s Future Leaders - May
In the busy world of retail leadership, it is all too easy to get sucked into doing many different projects. There are always constraints on resources (read: not enough payroll) and plenty of activities that need to be completed.
The Best Results Come From Working as a Team
This past weekend I was busy helping my daughter move out of her dorm room for the summer. My wife and I had driven up the night before to be able to get an early start.
Great Coaching and Customer Service Have One Very Important Thing in Common
You may wonder how coaching and customer service may go together outside the tradition thought of a manager coaching an employee on providing service to a customer. But, the two have more in common than one might suspect.
Your Attention Please - How to Get the RIGHT Things Done
How many things over the course of a day try to grab your attention? Is it tens of things, hundreds? Maybe even thousands. There is no shortage of people, devices, or marketers trying to grab our attention away from what we really need to concentrate on.
Great Leaders Know They Need to Do This One Thing
How often do we let the one percent of ‘bad apples’ dictate the way we lead the other 99 percent? Is it possible we do this unknowingly at times?