Great Coaching and Customer Service Have One Very Important Thing in Common
You may wonder how coaching and customer service may go together outside the tradition thought of a manager coaching an employee on providing service to a customer. But, the two have more in common than one might suspect.
Your Attention Please - How to Get the RIGHT Things Done
How many things over the course of a day try to grab your attention? Is it tens of things, hundreds? Maybe even thousands. There is no shortage of people, devices, or marketers trying to grab our attention away from what we really need to concentrate on.
Great Leaders Know They Need to Do This One Thing
How often do we let the one percent of ‘bad apples’ dictate the way we lead the other 99 percent? Is it possible we do this unknowingly at times?
Technology Tuesday - Day One and Capturing Your Thoughts Through Journaling
The idea of journaling has been around for centuries, some accounts date it back to the mid-late 1600s. For much of that time it was just as likely referred to as maintaining a diary. Today it tends to take on the ‘journaling’ title to make it more universal in its appeal.
Friday FAQs - Questions from Today’s Future Leaders
What are the most important skills I can learn to become a better leader?This is always a difficult question to answer. There is not a single, right answer. My responses almost always start with, ‘it depends’.
Better Has No Finish Line
How often have you said to yourself, “I can do better”? Even when you have reached a peak in something you are working on, after some time and reflection, you likely have evaluated the situation and said that very same thing, “I can do better.”
Servant Leadership Starts with 2 Things - Listen Intently, Learn Continuously
Servant Leadership is made up of many different components. At its foundation it is leadership that is based on the leader serving those around them. The leader prioritizes the needs of the team before satisfying there own needs.
The Benefits and Outcome of Being an Empathic Leader
Over the course of the last few weeks we have taken a deep look at what empathy is and what it can mean for a leader and their team. We have reviewed ideas for how you can strengthen engagement with your team and improve your skills as an empathetic leader.
Culture is What You Do, Not Something That You Create in a Day
Culture, when referenced in the business climate, is another word that has nearly reached ‘buzz-worthy’ status as more and more people speak to its importance.
The Risks and Downsides of Empathy as a Leader
Like any other positive force, too much of a good thing can turn into something that works against you. As we have seen in previous articles, empathy can be something that helps build strong, engaged teams.
Avoid Being a Prophet of Your Own Demise
Who is the biggest predictor of your own success? You. How you choose to see something is largely going to determine the outcome. We may not be able to control everything, but controlling what we *can* control
How Do You Improve Your Empathy Skills as a Leader
Over the past several articles, we have defined empathy, built a case for its importance, and connected it to your leadership style, but what can you do to actually practice and improve your empathy?Here are 7 actions you can take to further develop and practice empathy as a leader.
Like an iPhone, Your Customer Experience Needs Continual Upgrades
Apple provides yearly hardware updates and continual software upgrades to keep the iPhone fresh and exciting for users to experience. Retail customer experiences are much the same.