The Path to Success Begins With Planning

“If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else.”

― Yogi BerraI am convinced that planning is the most underutilized tool for success. It can feel unnecessary.  After all, you have an idea in your head.  You have a good idea of what you want to do. And, you even have a good sense of how it will get completed. But then things get in the way. The once easy path in your mind gets cluttered with other thoughts, tasks or ideas. Then you find yourself off track or down a different path. This is where planning can come to the rescue.Making the time to plan in advance is a rewarding and freeing experience. I find that planning with a purpose creates new energy towards what I am working on. Plus, it has the added benefit of allowing everything else that needs to get done to fit into the schedule as well. Planning is about taking all the ideas and thoughts you have and organizing them to know where they fit in. It helps to schedule when they can get done. Planning will identify the resources you will need. And, when completed, you have a clear roadmap of where to go and how you will get there.Planning is also about prioritization. During your planning time, you must make decisions about what has to get done and what can wait. This too is your time to decide what you will need to do and what can be delegated to others. As you think about what you need to do for your planning, keep these five key pieces in mind.

Schedule Time to Plan

Planning is something you need to budget time for on a regular basis. I would recommend that you carve out the same time each week for your planning. Make this time undisturbed and distraction free. Close your email and turn off your phone. Find a comfortable place to sit for 30 to 60 minutes and begin laying out what you want to accomplish. Capture your notes in the easiest fashion for you. Remove as much friction as possible. I use a combination of note-taking, outlining, and mind-mapping apps on my computer or iPad to capture my thoughts. When complete, you should have a nice path of what you want to do as well as some first steps on how you will do it.

Share Your Plan

Sharing your plan is especially important if you have included others as a part of your plan. This allows you to confirm that your resources will be available. Communicating your plan also creates two additional pieces that are critical for success. One, it creates accountability. When you share your plan with others, there is the need to follow through on that plan. This is a good thing. It doesn’t mean you can’t make adjustments, but it does mean you need to take action. Two, it creates buy-in and lets others know what is going on. One of the common frustrations I have heard over the years from front-line associates is that they don’t know what the plan is. Everyone wants to know what is going on, how it will impact them, and what is coming next. Share your plan to create action and engage others.

Review Your Plan Daily

Once you have your plan, review it daily by keeping it where you can easily see it. ‘Touch base’ with it every day to refresh yourself on what you are working towards. This also keeps you up to speed on the activities for yourself and your team each day.

Measure and Celebrate Your Progress

As you review your plan each day, make a mental scan of what has been completed so far. This is a good way to take a moment to recognize yourself for the progress forward you have made. Once per week, review what you have achieved so far in more detail and what else needs to be done. Incorporate this into the planning you will do for the upcoming week and time ahead. Do not underestimate the importance of celebrating the accomplishments you have made with yourself and your team. This will create energy and enthusiasm to continue to move forward.

Refine Your Plan

Make the adjustments as necessary. These could be small corrections or sweeping changes based on feedback and results so far. Take the action necessary based on your review to keep moving towards what you have set out accomplish. Refine your plan to keep it timely and relevant.Every leader needs to make time to plan. Good plans are simple and accurate to your specific needs. Scale your plan and the necessary steps to fit your role and desired outcomes. Planning will organize your thoughts and align your resources ensuring you execute at higher, more consistent levels. Start planning today and build a long-term path to success.How would having a dedicated planning time set you up for success? Click here or on the comments button above to share your thoughts.


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