November FAQ - How do I get My Team to Provide Better Levels of Customer Service?
Delivering consistently great customer service is hard. Otherwise, we would not have nearly as many books, courses, articles, or businesses built on how to provide better customer service.
Great Coaching and Customer Service Have One Important Thing in Common and It’s not What You’d Expect
You may wonder how coaching and customer service may go together outside the tradition thought of a manager coaching an employee on providing service to a customer. But, the two have more in common than one might suspect.
10 Simple Things You Can Do For Your Team Today to Make Their Day Better
It may sound a little silly and even too simple to be a real strategy, but give it a try and see what happens. When leaders smile, often they invite conversation and engagement.
Resources and Additional Learning on Servant Leadership
Following the recent series of articles I published on the topic of Servant leadership I received several requests for additional resources on the subject. There are plenty of options available and the subject provides a seemingly endless supply of information...
These Are the Top Characteristics of a Servant Leader - How Many Do You Have?
The nature of a servant leader is to be a developer, a listener, and a coach. However, in addition to those qualities and characteristics, there are some additional attributes that I believe are worth exploring.
Creating Engagement Through Servant Leadership
The benefits of servant leadership are numerous, but I want to key in on one, in particular, engagement. When you look at a lot of the work that has been published about creating engagement or an engaged workforce, most items come back to the leader.
Servant Leadership Can Be Seen in These Exemplary Leaders
Seeing servant leadership in action or having examples of what it looks like is one of the best ways to further understand what servant leadership is. Leadership is driven from individuals, but when you build a culture of servant leadership,
Make No Mistake - Servant Leadership is NOT Weak Leadership
Many people assume when they hear the term servant leadership that it must be a weaker form of being a leader. Unfortunately, leadership I soften misunderstood or used synonymously with ‘in charge.’
What is Servant Leadership?
The idea and term of servant leadership is becoming more prevalent in discussions around styles and types of leaders. But many people may still not know what servant leadership really is. Over the course of the next several articles I am going to explore this subject and share my thoughts and insights into my own learning on this skillset of a leader.
Why is Influence Important as a Leader?
Understanding why influence is important may seem obvious: you want other people to think or act as you do. But becoming an influential leader is much more than getting people to do what you want.
As the Guide You Become the Hero's Hero
Those you lead are the heroes in their own story. When they are in front of customers or their team - it has to be *their* story, not yours. The role you play is coach and coaches are rarely at the forefront of any hero's journey.
Great Coaching and Customer Service Have One Very Important Thing in Common
You may wonder how coaching and customer service may go together outside the tradition thought of a manager coaching an employee on providing service to a customer. But, the two have more in common than one might suspect.