Taking Action on Your Time Tracking Log
Are you still tracking your time? What have you done with that information? Knowing how your time is spent is an essential first step, but taking action to make changes is the ultimate goal of gathering that data.
Technology Tip - Power Productivity with OmniFocus
In today’s digital world there is no shortage of ways to keep track of the many things we all have to accomplish.
SPRINT to Goal Achievement
Goal setting is tested and true. However, we also know that most people that set goals, especially resolutions at the beginning of the year fail to achieve those goals.
Your Attention Please - How to Get the RIGHT Things Done
How many things over the course of a day try to grab your attention? Is it tens of things, hundreds? Maybe even thousands. There is no shortage of people, devices, or marketers trying to grab our attention away from what we really need to concentrate on.
Focus is a Powerful Resource When Used Effectively
Rather, I believe being able to effectively focus your energy, resources, and team around key initiatives that serve the greater good are critical to long-term success.
Why I Hate the Word Focus
Focus is a powerful thing to have in life and in business. How can I state that I dislike that term? I have three key reasons that I dislike the term focus.