Starting Somewhere New: Who Will Follow You?

You have just begun a new leadership role in a company that has tremendous potential. It is a small, relatively unknown company, but it is up and coming and could be something significant in the future. You have some key positions to fill. You know just the right people to add to the team. But one question looms large - will they join you in your new environment?

During succession planning and talent assessment sessions I have been a part of in the past, a frequent question asked is, “would you take that person with you if you had a job somewhere else?” It creates a moment where all options are on the table and forces a leader to make a decision about that individual outside of the current circumstances. It is a point at which you begin to realize whether or not you actually have the right person on your team.

The more important question to ponder might be, “would that person follow you?” That becomes a true measure of a leader’s success. It is the defining moment to determine whether the leader is creating an environment of development, empowerment, and engagement. Changing companies is never an easy decision. There are many unknowns, but if someone believes in the leader they are joining it makes the decision that much easier.

People don’t leave companies, they leave managers. Perhaps it should be: people don’t join companies, they follow leaders.

There are a few things every leader can do to ensure they are creating an environment others want to be a part of.

First, do you have a vision for what the future can look like? People want to see where they are going and what they are working towards. The best leaders have a clear vision of where their journey will take them.

Next, clearly define your purpose for your team, division, or company. Whatever group you are leading, they need to know why they are on the path that has been chosen. It is not always enough to know where you are going, you also need to know why you’re going there in the first place.

If you know where you are going and have a good idea of why you are going there, the next logical step to know how you are going to get there. That means you need a plan to show how you will arrive at your destination. Even if that plan will change over time, you need a starting point and a map of how you and your team will get to where you are going.

Every journey needs the right people to ensure that the vision can be brought to life and the purpose fulfilled. Having the first three pieces in place will allow you to attract the right talent to the team and keep them engaged in the mission you have set out to achieve.

This brings us full circle. You can identify the people you want to have, but you need them to want to be a part of what you are building. It starts with your strength as a leader and your ability to define a vision, purpose, and plan, and to establish an environment people want to be within. Invest in yourself, develop your team, and create high levels of engagement to ensure you are a leader others choose to follow.

What are you doing to help yourself be a leader that others choose to follow?

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