March is Productivity Month for Effective Retail Leaders - How Can You be a More Productive Leader?

Don’t let March become madness - to help maintain order and to help every leader maximize their time, I am dedicating March to productivity. Productivity is not just about getting MORE stuff done. Productivity is about how each of us can get the right things done, at the right time, in the right way. Being intentional with our time is one of the best ways we can ensure we are doing the things that matter most to us at that moment.The biggest request I hear from every leader (including myself sometimes) is I need more time. Unfortunately, we will not get more of it. We all have the same 168 hours each week. What we do with our time is how we will make the biggest difference.Each of the articles I post to Effective Retail leader this month will concentrate on different components of becoming more productive with the time we do have. How we spend our time, the options we have in leveraging other resources, and, of course, planning will all be areas I explore further throughout the month.To begin the month, we will look at one tool I use for keeping track of all of my tasks and projects. I have to admit I am still a student in this arena. I have studied a lot, and continue to practice, but this is an area that requires continued discipline, follow up, and work. I’ll share how I am using OmniFocus (an application) to help stay on point.There are some excellent resources from other websites I will share as links within the articles in March to widen our reach of information. I will also provide a summary of them at the end of the month for you to review and choose which may be the most helpful for you and your productivity journey. This is one area that can become overwhelming with so many options, I hope to narrow that down for you, and then you can filter further for your specific needs.If you’ve joined the email list, you will also receive the Weekly Leadership Articles I share each Wednesday. (If you haven’t signed up for those emails - SIGN UP HERE) I am also focusing on productivity for the March Leadership articles. These will be further options for learning in the broad arena of this topic.I look forward to our deeper dive into this exciting topic and hope you will as well. Please share any ideas or areas you would like to hear more about in the comments section.Join other retail leaders in continuing their development journey with Effective Retail SUBSCRIBE today to receive FREE leadership tips directly to your inbox and monthly newsletters that provide many tools to help further develop your leadership skills all at no cost. JOIN NOW!No spam ever - just leadership goodness.Photo by Cathryn Lavery on Unsplash


Technology Tip - Power Productivity with OmniFocus


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