October FAQ - Hiring for the Busiest Seasons

One Friday each month I dedicate the post to looking at some questions I have heard recently from developing leaders. Sharing those questions and my thoughts for them is a way for me to spread the information to as many leaders and future leaders as possible. If you have a question about leadership, or just a situation you would like some additional insight on, please email me at Effective Retail Leader. Let’s take a look at this week’s question.

I need to gear up for the peak selling season ahead, how do I ensure I can staff my store for these busy times of the year?

Always be recruiting

One of the best things you can do to continually build your team and options is to always be on the lookout for great people. This is not an exercise for just your busiest seasons, but something you should do all the time. If you are in the mode of constantly recruiting top talent, when you do have a need or an opening you should have a bank of possibilities to draw from.One of the most common mistakes managers make is to begin their search for people when they have an opening. Get ahead of that curve and have a process for identifying and even capturing the information of people you believe would be a nice addition to your team. Just because there is not an immediate opening doesn’t mean you cannot set up phone screenings, interviews, or just staying in touch. That goes a long way in being prepared when the need does arise.And finally, sometimes over hiring is the right decision. Whether that means reducing some hours of other people or investing some additional labor hours to carry extra people - it may be the best decision for your situation. In my opinion, there is always room for the very best associates.

Referrals make a big difference

You are one person. If you have three other managers on your team, you are four people trying to fill multiple positions. But you have a group of people around you every day that may be the biggest benefactors from your seasonal hiring practices. Why not enlist them in the search for additional team members? In today’s connected world, most people could reach dozens, if not hundreds of people with a few clicks on their phone.

Look for the hidden gems

Seasonal hiring doesn’t have to be just for the season. Are you also looking for those that could become something much more than just a temporary associate for you? There are countless leaders in companies I have met that started with their company as a temporary associate someone saw the potential in, and they grew from there. Seasonal hiring is one of the best ways to find fantastic new people for your business that ultimately add more than some quick labor during your peak season. Keep your eyes wide open for these hidden gems.

Partner with other seasonal companies

If there are other retailers near your store or even in the same shopping center, you likely have the same needs. Check with the leaders of those businesses to see if you can work together to share some of the resources. Perhaps you need evening recovery shifts, but another store needs morning stock, team associates. Being able to work complementary shifts might be a win for both of you. The associate could work evenings at your store and mornings at theirs. It may seem unusual, but as hiring gets more challenging, looking beyond what has worked in the past might be the best way to succeed in the future.The biggest message I have for seasonal hiring is to look beyond the obvious and try new ideas. Seasonal hiring can be a huge challenge - it takes time to seek applicants, interview them, and then train them. It is a critical aspect of most retailer’s success. The more you do to differentiate yourself and your store, can help attract the best talent that is available. And you never know, you may also find a superstar in the making.Join other retail leaders in continuing their development journey with Effective Retail Leader.com. SUBSCRIBE today to receive FREE leadership tips directly to your inbox and monthly newsletters that provide many tools to help further develop your leadership skills all at no cost. JOIN NOW!No spam ever - just leadership goodness.


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