Happy New Year — Make it a Positive and Productive Year Ahead

Silver mylar balloons spell out "Happy New Year" in front of a white background with confetti.

Happy New Year! The start of a new year is always exciting. While we intuitively know it’s just one day ahead, it feels like a fresh start and anything is possible. There is no reason not to take full advantage of that. I always stress goals over resolutions, and planned actions over chance, so the beginning of a new cycle is a perfect time to have both of those thoughts top of mind. And, do not worry if you don’t have your goals completely finalized yet, there is still time to refine and finalize in the days and weeks ahead.

Investing some time at the beginning of the year to make plans and establish a vision for what you like to accomplish in the year ahead is what every leader needs to do. It can feel challenging. I still have to make a very conscious effort to jot stuff down, even after writing about it for so many years now. Every time, though, I get more out of it. It clarifies my thoughts and allows me to see many options. This is the fun part of planning and visioning for the future. Don’t limit yourself to just your work goals, capture your personal goals too. We are one person, not a work person and a life person. Keeping yourself whole allows you to find the balance everyone needs in their lives.

As you recover from the holiday season and the new year celebrations, capture your vision for 2024. Where do you hope to be in twelve months? What will you have accomplished? What will you have seen and done? Even if you just write a short narrative of what you’d hope to have accomplished by next December, that can serve as your guidepost for the months ahead. No need to overthink it, just get to capturing what will be most important to you this year.

I look forward to sharing more leadership insights, deeper dives into popular or lesser known topics, and tips for how you can be a more productive and healthier leader in 2024 and beyond. I remain grateful to all the readers that continue to visit the website or read what I’ve published on LinkedIn. THANK YOU all, and I wish you a successful, happy, healthy, and prosperous new year!

Cheers to 2024!

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