Even in a Crazy, Sometimes Awful, Uncertain Year, There Are Things to be Grateful For


It has been more than eight months now since the first lockdowns began, and the grip of the pandemic became very real. In a year when there has been a tremendous amount of suffering and pain for so many people, it can make thinking about being grateful very difficult. I can only imagine how much harder it will be for people who have lost friends, co-workers, and loved ones throughout the year.

Gratitude does not always have to be in the moment. We can be grateful for the times we did have with others. As we begin looking back on the year that has been and wishing for a better one ahead — there are still moments that I am sure we will recall as being helpful for the future we build. We may have discovered new habits that allow for more time with family while working from home. Perhaps the changes from this year enabled a new schedule that is much better for your specific needs. Some people have recognized that changes can allow their strengths to become even more apparent.

Many people lost jobs this year, especially in our retail industry. Many others have found new opportunities where they can flourish and begin a new chapter in their lives. The hardest part may be realizing that it is ok to be grateful for some of the changes or adjustments that have been made even when others are suffering around you. Being thankful for what you have is not selfish; it can be just the opposite when you take your positive outcomes and use them to help others. That may be hiring people who do not have a job or finding ways to support local businesses that have been impacted by the COVID-19 environment.

I encourage everyone to take a few moments this Thanksgiving and write down what they are most thankful for in this challenging year. Spend some extra time to realize how special these moments may be, especially in the months that we have endured an unprecedented event for our lifetime. I am grateful that I have remained healthy, and those around me have as well. I am grateful for maintaining my job and being able to continue to write and share my ideas on this website. I give thanks for learning new ways to work. To build new relationships with those I work with in ways we never thought would be an option. We should all give thanks to the technology and options we do have to stay connected, not just at work, but with our families. Just ten years ago, video chatting, team meetings, family gatherings in multiple places, and seeing one another would not have been possible like it is today. We may not have been able to share physical space, but our stories were shared, our voices heard, our faces shone when we initially thought that would not be the case. It is different for sure, but let us all be grateful for what we do have and concentrate on all that we can do together to be better for the brighter days ahead.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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