December FAQ — December FAQ — Getting a Fresh Start?


One Friday, each month, I dedicate the post to looking at some questions I have heard recently from developing leaders. Sharing those questions and my thoughts about them is a way for me to spread the information to as many leaders and future leaders as possible. If you have a question about leadership, or just a situation you would like some additional insight on, please email me at Effective Retail Leader. Let’s take a look at this week’s question.

How should I be thinking about getting a fresh start for the new year?

Coming from a year like 2020, wanting to get a fresh start is probably understandable for many. The retail environment has had many ups and downs throughout the year. More business has shifted to be or begin online. However, that doesn’t mean if you are in stores that customers are not coming. They are just visiting stores differently. The expansion on OmniChannel retailing has surged this year, both in necessity and in the experience. Taking a new approach to the year ahead may not just be a desire, it is more likely a requirement.

Here are a few things you can begin with for yourself right now.

What would I like to accomplish? And what would it take to make that happen?

I would recommend starting with a list of things you would like to accomplish for yourself. Keep this exercise to all the things you can control. That gives you the ability to choose what you would like to accomplish and gives you the means to do them when you want.

Second, with your list complete and prioritized, begin to list out what it would take to make that happen. A favorite question of mine is ‘what would it take to make in order for that (outcome) to be true?’ This is a powerful question that opens up all of the possibilities (if you allow it to). Again, once this portion is completed, prioritize what you want to do along with how you can make it come true.

What can you realistically take on right now?

Understanding what is possible and what is realistic may not be the same. Depending on the external influences, your season of life, and the resources you have available for yourself, you need to ask if you can realistically accomplish this. It is an extension of what needs to be true to make your outcome happen. But, in the first stage, you may not want to limit yourself to the day-to-day happenings. However, you must factor that in at some point. Do not set yourself up for disappointment if you know you are biting off more than you can chew at this point. Treat this step as a further refinement and prioritization of the first step above.

What are the one or two things that will make the most significant difference to me to help myself and/or my team?

Finally, as the last step in determining where you begin, look for the activities or changes that will make the most difference as quickly as possible for yourself, your team, and your business. That order is important — a change that will make a big difference for you will likely carry to the other aspects as well. If you change something that has the most impact on the business but isn’t as good for you or the team, it will not have the same impact you may be looking for. A good balance here is necessary, but it should tilt towards being beneficial to you first.

When you take care of yourself as the priority, it allows you to help others more effectively along the way. There is a reason you put your oxygen mask on first in the airline safety announcements. It is the reason there is more of a push for being health-conscious and sleep aware in guidance for leaders from many of the industry gurus. Taking care of yourself first helps everyone.

Earlier this month, I shared an article, What is Your Plan for Next Year? What Will You Make Different? This can be a blueprint for planning ahead to the new year. Combining the steps from that with the steps above can ensure you find the right things to work on, work towards, and work to completion in the weeks and months ahead to make next year better for yourself and those you support and lead.

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