4 Choices That Build a Foundation for Your Success

There are certain basics that every successful person will have as a foundation. They may seem very simple but they cannot be overlooked, forgotten, or taken for granted. Regardless of your skills, talent, or charisma, if you cannot make some foundational daily choices they will be for naught. Because I believe these are choices, I am going to phrase each as something you can choose to BE.Here are four starting points:

BE There

No special meaning here, just be where you are supposed to be. If you make a commitment to meet someone in a specific location, ensure that you have made the arrangements necessary to be where you agreed to meet. Even if it is a meeting in your store, office, or another internal location, if you stated you would attend, then ensure you are there as promised.

BE On Time

It may sound simple but somehow it gets missed more often than it should. Be on time to your meetings, your phone calls, or any other commitments you have made. It is a way to show respect to your peers, colleagues, supervisors, partners, or anyone else you are meeting. If a situation arises that causes you to run late or become unable to keep a commitment that you previously had planned for, communicate to those you are meeting. Explain the situation and make arrangements to reschedule. If you will only be a few minutes late, just let someone know you are on your way and when you will be there. It is just common courtesy - be on time.

BE Present

You have made the commitments to be where you need to be and on time. Now engage in the meeting, conversation, or interaction you having. Provide your undivided attention and be ready to participate actively. They will know that you care about the subject, the discussion, and the outcome of the conversation. With the many distractions we currently have (i.e. phones or email), this can be a challenging practice to maintain. Even for subjects that may seem dull, ‘being present’ will ensure you have a full understanding of the subject and potential outcomes. If you find that for future sessions, this is not something you should be participating in, decline the meeting up front. Being present applies in all areas of life and will help you connect better with anyone you talk to.

BE Yourself

Don’t try to be something you are not. Don’t try to guess what others may want. Trying to fool others or pretending to know what someone else is looking for rarely leads to long-term success. This one could also be labeled, ‘BE Authentic’. There should never be a need for you to try to say something beyond what you want to say or believe in. Speak your point of view and not someone else’s. If the current situation does not allow for the necessary dialogue, you can approach the individuals separately later to discuss your thoughts or ideas. We are who we are and it is okay to BE Yourself.These all sound simple but how often do you encounter someone that has chosen not to live these core principles? In a distracted, busy, and digital world it is easy to let any one or all of these slip. But, those that make these core to who they are and the actions they take will be on a much quicker track to building trust, lasting relationships, and success.How can you ensure that you can BE there, BE On Time, BE Present, and BE Yourself in your daily activities? Click here or on the comments button above to share your thoughts.Photo by Nina Uhlíková from Pexels


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