Being a More Effective Leader – Do It For Yourself (Part I)

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We all want to get more effective in what we do and how we lead. This can mean many things to different people. Over the course of the next several articles, I wanted to start this year with several ideas that can assist in increasing your level of effectiveness in the different areas of life and leadership. We will connect to the areas of mind, body, and doing for all aspects of life. Each of the articles in this series will explore different areas of each. We are at our best when we are as balanced as we can be for the season of life we are experiencing.

1. Take time to listen more attentively

Listening may be the most important and difficult skill to master for every leader. It always seems as though this should be easy. Even I as I continue to practice my listening skills, I find myself preparing to respond instead of fully listening at times. This is one that takes conscious effort and practice. In our fast-paced world that sometime advantages those who speak often, as making the specific effort to reserve comment and listen attentively can be a challenge. Active listening is a differentiator in the long run, that I am certain of.

When this is combined with a growth mindset and an empathetic stance, your ability to connect and have meaningful dialogue jumps exponentially. Take some time to research and then practice the activities that exist to hone your listening skills. Listening effectively helps you engage with your team, allows you to learn new things, better understand the needs of those around you, allows you to coach in an enhanced way, allows you to anticipate future activities, and it models an important leadership skill for others to see. These and other benefits will be wide-ranging and long-lasting.

2. Find a couple of good podcasts on leadership or other subjects that will help in your role

Podcasts continue to grow in popularity and quantity. The content library and subject areas only expand with time. There is something for everyone. The great news here is you can cover a few areas of interest with podcasts. It is perfect for learning on the go while spending time in the car. It is also a nice way to relax and listen to podcasts for a hobby or just subjects that interest you.

One of the things I like most about listening to different podcasts is the fact that you can get different and sometimes unique points of view on many subjects without investing huge amounts of time. I follow about seven different podcasts on a regular basis and stay subscribed to more than a dozen to listen to topics that interest me when they are covered. It puts a lot of information at my fingertips when I have the time. 

Lastly, podcasts are extremely portable learning tools. You can have them wherever you are. You can listen in your car, you can listen while doing other light duty activities (I listen while building LEGO), you can listen while exercising, or even doing work around the house. 

3. Take walks – undisturbed

Walking is an exercise and benefit many people discovered during the pandemic. Hard to believe something so simple is ‘trending’. Walking is something many people are already using to get out and move, open up their minds, create space, and be restorative in its effects. Outdoor walks are better than the treadmill; both are valuable, though. So if you only have access to one or the other, take advantage of it.

In addition to providing a way to exercise, walking can be a can be a great way to clear the mind and relax. While I will admit that more often than not I use my walking time to multi-task in some way, such as listening to a podcast, audiobook, or video, there are occasions that I turn all of that off and just walk with no distractions. These tend to be my most productive mental times. It is nice to just let the mind wander and wonder without barriers. I do always have my phone with me to capture an occasional thought that I do not want to lose for later. But then it’s back to just quiet. I think you’ll be amazed how much clarity can come from ten or fifteen minutes of being disconnected and enjoying the surroundings.

4. Find a mentor or be a mentor

This one may seem a little strange and could be a tough one to start doing right away. Mentoring is a relationship that requires time to build, especially to start. The best part about a mentoring relationship is it doesn’t have to take a lot of time to maintain once you get started. In fact, you may already have the beginnings of this already. Think about who you spend time talking to about specific subjects. Do you ask them for advice? Or vice versa? That could be a mentoring type relationship.

Mentoring can be extremely helpful in breaking through to new areas or experiences. That is the point of a mentoring relationship, to spend time and create discussions about areas of business or life that you have not been exposed to, but someone else has. There is no template or specific set of steps that need to be in place for mentoring. It is a series of discussions built on sharing ideas and real world examples, or challenging the other person to try new things and share their outcomes for further conversation. It can be a truly rewarding relationship for both parties. This is another activity that is most often a positive experience for everyone. 

5. Attitude, Attitude, Attitude

If there is one thing that can make the biggest difference for any leader (or anyone for that matter), it is the attitude you choose to have. It is a choice. If in business they say that location, location, location makes or breaks the success of an entity – for leadership I believe that phrase changes to attitude, attitude, attitude.

No one wants to be continually surrounded by naysayers, or angry and frustrated people. They certainly do not want to be led by them. That doesn’t mean you cannot have moments of any of those emotions – in fact, I think that is healthy and appropriate to show those on occasion. But the overall attitude has to be positive and genuine. 

The best part about attitude is we get to choose what we want it to be every day, every moment. We decide whether we are shedding light or casting darkness. We can open ourselves up to others, or shut down and silo as an individual. It is a choice and one that will determine the influence and impact you have for yourself and on others.

Do not feel as though all of these need to be done right away. Pick one from each of the upcoming articles and decide which ones make the most sense for you right now and your situation. Look for more tips you can use for being a more effective leader in the year ahead in the next article. 

Which of today’s tips can you put into quick action?

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Being a More Effective Leader — Expand Yourself in All Areas (Part II)


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