Are You In Control or Along for the Ride?

If we could control our destiny, then it’s not destiny - Bob CostasBeing the driver or passenger is a choice. Leaders define those roles clearly and decide on how to navigate to any new outcome effectively. Those who select to be a passenger and just come along for the ride may need to be dropped off at the closest stop. In today’s world we need leaders who will drive forward to new possibilities and passengers that will remain engaged along the way and not just watch the countryside move by.Are you looking out the front window (seeing the future and what is coming at us)? Out the side windows? Or, even worse, out the back glass, only seeing what has already happened. Effective leaders make use of all views and the skills of their passengers, but remain squarely focused on what is ahead of them and not getting lost in what has passed. Your passengers can be handy navigators along the way, they can assist in identifying landmarks and mileposts, and make recommendations when the unplanned detours are required.When you make the decision to be a driver, you also take on the responsibility that comes along with it. You must:

  • Know where you are going
  • Have a good idea of how to get there
  • Ensure you have the resources to make the journey
  • Anticipate the obstacles you might face along the way

Let’s take a quick look at each.

Know where you are going

Do you have a vision for what the destination looks like? What will be different when you arrive at the new place? Can you paint that picture for your passengers? You want them excited about the trip - right? Success means getting to the outcomes you define while keeping your passengers engaged and safe during the journey.

How to get there

You will need a plan to bring your vision to life. It will not work if you know where you want to go, but do not know how to get there. You set the stage for your team - you have a great vision, you have shared the ‘future look’ to your passengers, and they are excited. They are ready to go, then someone asks, “OK, sounds great. How do we get there?” You are going to need an answer, otherwise, road trip over. Define the route, the key milestones, and the roles everyone plays as part of your plan. Then communicate, communicate, and communicate some more.


For a road trip, this might be a full tank of gas, some snacks, and drinks. In the working world, you will need the right people to come along for the ride. Will you have the skills you need to overcome any obstacles you may face during the voyage? Resources and planning are deeply connected - a good plan will help to define the resources you will need for a successful journey. Before you begin, ensure you have or can find the resources you will need along the way.


Anticipate what hurdles you may encounter. Take time to walk through several ‘what-if’ scenarios with key members of your team. Prepare your passengers for what they may see and the role they will need to play in overcoming what you encounter. Communicating this all up front will ensure that everyone is engaged with the steps it will take to arrive at the destination as planned.The only thing left is to execute the plan and press the gas pedal down. Make the choice to be a driver and be in control of what you believe in most so that you arrive at a brighter destination for yourself and others.Are you ready to be in the driver’s seat? Click here or on the comments button above to share your thoughts.


Plan - But Don’t Forget to Take Action


Lead the Way With Fun at Work