7 Things The Productive Leader Can Do To Get More Out Of Each Day

Four umbrellas hang on lines in front of a blue and cloudy sky. The top left umbrella is yellow, top right is gray, bottom right is red, bottom left is blue.

We all want to stretch the value of our time as far as we can. Perfect productivity is like chasing the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It feels so possible, yet remains a constant search. That is okay, so long as you understand the journey you are on. As with many things, improved productivity is an ongoing quest, not a destination. The ideas I share here are meant as just that: ideas. Things you may be able to use, or make your own. Not all of them will suit your needs or be the best solution for your specific season in life. In fact, any article, video, or book you read on productivity should be seen through that same lens. They are ideas, not specific recipes to be followed blindly. Make them your own and get what you need from them.

1. Journal

Journaling may not seem like the most productive thing, but getting information out of your head on to paper can be both therapeutic and productive at the same time. As David Allen said, ‘the brain is meant for having ideas, not holding them.’ Getting information out can allow more to fill in behind. Plus, it is a way to tell your story in your words for only you to see. I do not journal enough. I would like to build this back into a habit, as I find whenever I do journal or even take a few minutes to write down ideas it is immensely helpful. Apple has a new built-in application coming this fall, aptly named Journal, and I will give that a try for sure. In the meantime, you may try the excellent Day One application, or just grab a notebook and let the words flow.

2. Plan the Next Day

10/10; would recommend. This is by far the most productive thing I can do at the end of the day. There is nothing better than knowing what you will begin working on the next day as you wrap up the current one. The only possible exception is the next day, when you see you already have a plan for the day and get immediately started on it. Write it down, type it out, whatever it takes to capture a few items for the next day will be a huge productivity boost.

3. Practice Gratitude

Practicing gratitude is almost like magic. It is hard to believe that by taking a moment, even a frustrating moment, and thinking about something you are grateful for can immediately turn your mood from sour to happy. We all have things we can and should be grateful for. It can be tough to see those sometimes, but I promise this, anyone reading this has a ton to be grateful for on any given day. It sounds so simple, but there is a reason it is “practice” gratitude—it isn’t always easy to see past the day’s challenges. The more you do it, the easier it becomes, and the more value you get from it.

4. Take a Break

Occasionally, you just need to walk away from your current space. We have all found ourselves there—you know you need to get something done, it feels like it ever so slightly out of reach, and the more you try, the farther away it seems to get. That is when you need to take a break. Even if you haven’t reached that point yet, getting up from your workspace and taking a short walk, getting outside, or just leaning back in your chair and closing your eyes for a few moments can help reset your brain to move forward. Using the pomodoro technique is an excellent way to ensure you are regularly taking a break and resetting for the next work sessions.

5. Exercise

It may not be the most fun item on this list, but a good workout can be just what you need for the productive juices to begin flowing. Exercise and taking a break can even work together. Your exercise doesn’t have to be a grinding session in the gym. A semi-brisk walk can be all you need to get your energy going and bring a boost to anything you are doing. I am still amazed at how a good exercise routine in the morning can provide so much clarity, enthusiasm, and positivity that lasts a good portion of the day.

6. Eat Right

Eating healthy can seem like a fad, or just something our Moms always told us, but it does have a lot of science behind it. Eating a well-balanced, non-sugar heavy diet will make a difference in how you feel and the work you can get done. I’ll stay away from any prescribed foods or dietary approaches. I think that is best determined by each person. Do research based on your food preferences and make it work for you. Keto, Mediterranean, intermittent fasting, or any of a dozen more approaches to eating are all options, but not all will work for everyone. The common theme across anything you look at on healthy eating habits will be balance. You do not need to strip all the fun stuff out and make your food habits a chore. This is less about losing weight or gaining muscle, it is about helping your body feel good, so you can think better and take the actions you need whenever necessary. Trust me, eating better will make everything easier as a leader.

7. Smile

Much like number three on this list, this can feel a little like magic. Try smiling, genuinely smiling at something, and see if you do not feel better in doing so. In fact, I bet you will end up always combining your gratitude practice with this one for a double dose of goodness. Just a quick thought of something that brings a smile to your face will release endorphins in you (and likely those around you). A smile makes everyone feel better.

Productivity is an elusive thing. It is hard to define, harder to measure objectively, and can feel like a fool's dream to continually chase it. However, productivity is as simple as you make it. You are the only one that truly knows how productive you are, have been, and can be. And you need to be forgiving to yourself. Despite what you make read in articles (this one included), or see in videos, or social media posts, no one can be productive all the time. In fact, it would be unhealthy to even try. We all need a break. We all have the same number of hours in a day and week. So, it only remains for us to make the choices best for us, individually, in how we use them.

How can you use items from this list to help you define your productivity?

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Photo by Artem Kniaz on Unsplash


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