6 Tips to Make Traveling Easier

When I tell people I travel a lot for work, about half of them respond with ‘how exciting that must be”. The other half, perhaps living it themselves, seem to offer their condolences. The truth is, I still find travel interesting, but I would stop short of calling it exciting, especially when you are doing it for work. I have always been an aviation buff and my wife finds it sad that I can quickly identify the type of plane with merely a glimpse, or worse yet, I know what planes an airline uses on specific routes. But, even with that enthusiasm, travel can be hard. Delays happen, sometimes long ones. Flights get cancelled. Rental cars are dirty or hotels are old and have uncomfortable beds.As bad as that may seem, there are some things that you can do to help ensure that any travel you do can be as efficient and positive as possible. Below are a few tips you can use to help you when you have to travel for work or pleasure.

Use a travel application

In today’s mobile world not only can you make your reservations right from your phone, you can keep track of them there too. Although you may have an app for rental cars, hotel brands, or your favorite airlines, keeping track of the entire trip is an important step. The best way to have a one-stop solution after the travel is booked is to use either Trip Case or Trip-It mobile applications. Both of these apps allow you to consolidate your entire itinerary in one place so you can see your full trip at a glance. Flights, car, hotel, and even train schedules all in order that you will be using them. Both apps maintain all of the information you will need for each part of your trip. They will even notify you when delays occur and can assist with rebooking options if that problem arises. Both are great, but have some differences, so check them both out to determine which is best for you.

Signup for TSA Pre

If you travel frequently, even if you travel more than once a year, I would definitely recommend that you invest in signing up for TSA Pre-Check. Most airports now have these special security lanes available and can reduce the time you spend in line for security in a significant way. Many days I see people standing in a 20-30 minute line for security, but with TSA Pre-Check I cannot remember the last time I waited more than about 5 minutes to get through security, even at some of the largest airports in the country. Signing up takes some time and will require a trip to a TSA office (many are in the airports), so plan ahead. There is also an $85 fee for a 5 year clearance. Not only does it make your wait shorter, there is no need to remove your shoes or laptop when actually going through security. This is an extra convenience that can help speed the process and ensure you don’t leave your computer behind by accident.

Packing cubes for packing efficiently

Traveling light and efficient is a necessary step in today’s travel world. The less you have to take to the airport the better. And, for both time and convenience, I highly recommend avoid checking luggage in almost every instance. When you combine all of that, packing for travel becomes a much more strategic event than it ordinarily would. One of the best tools I have found to help in this regard is to use packing cubes. The help organization your clothes, making it simple to pack and unpack. You can also find packing cubes that will compress your clothes saving valuable space and allowing an extra days clothes in same amount of space. I can easily get 4 days worth of clothes in a regular carryon suitcase using these wonders of travel science.

Have a separate travel toiletry bag

This one may sound a little odd, but it makes for much easier travel. I maintain a separate set of all toiletries that I use at home in a separate travel bag that is always in my suitcase ready to go. That eliminates the need to remember to pack my toothbrush or hairbrush for the trip. It is especially useful for early morning trips where I don’t have to wait until after getting ready in the morning to finish packing those items I use at home. If you travel a lot, this makes a big difference in being able to pack ahead of time and not have to remember all of the little things to bring.

Have a list of what you need

Speaking of remembering everything, keeping a list of the things you always pack is a good way to make it easy for yourself when getting ready for your trip. Having that list, especially if you do not travel every week, can be a great way to save some time and still ensure you have everything you’ll need for your trip - business or for fun. Details are important here, write each thing down that you want to have with you, make check boxes so you can go line by line to be sure you do not miss anything. For anyone that has ever forgotten something only to realize it at 11:30pm when you get to the hotel can attest to the value of having a list of items to bring on any trip.

Subscribe to the airline private lounge

For this last item, we will assign this to the heavy traveler as it likely only makes sense if you find yourself in airports multiple times every year. I had avoided these clubs for many years due to costs - they are expensive. Most of the airline clubs will charge upwards of $500 per year for access rights, so it only adds value if you will be there frequently. That said, as soon as I did join and realized that they provide a much quieter, more comfortable environment to either relax or get some last minute work completed, I wish I had joined sooner. Most of the clubs will offer some level of snacks and drinks for free, including beer and wine. These lounges also offer free WiFi and multiple places to plug in and charge any of your devices. Also, did I mention how much quieter they are? That might seem silly, but for anyone that has spent a lot time in airports, finding a quiet spot is a big deal.Depending on how much you travel and the type of travel you do, I think you’ll find that a couple of these can be helpful for making the travel you do a little easier. Many times it is the small things can make all of the difference when searching for a little more comfort, time, or convenience in the busy travel world we live in. Safe travels on your next journey.What travel tips have you come up with in your experiences? Share your tips and ideas in comments.


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