6 Rs to Use to Set Up Success in the Second Half of 2020


There has been no shortage of distractions this year, or even in just the past few weeks. We find ourselves entering the second half of a crazy year with many moving pieces. As I mentioned in a recent article about updating goals, that process begins with an assessment of where you are. Now is an excellent time to review where you are at for the year so far in all aspects. A lot has obviously changed since January, and it continues to change on a weekly basis. Now is the time to look at your activities and projections for the coming months. This may be for your personal goals, strategic initiatives, and even the way you measure your achievements.

These six steps can help you re-establish yourself and what you can accomplish in the back half of this crazy year.


Take an inventory of everything you have happening in your business or in your life right now. Combine that with the goals you may have previously established and get a full inventory of everything so you can review and assess what is on your plate. This is an important first step to be able to process what you want to accomplish, what is most critical for success, and how you are measuring that. This activity should give you a good view of your goals, the actions you have planned, and your expected outcomes.


Reconnect with the WHY behind each of the items you have on your list. What made these valuable to you earlier? Are those still accurate? Will these activities still get you where you want to go under the current set of circumstances? If you struggle to define the why behind these, that is okay, but that is also an indicator of where they may fall in the level of importance. You will see the value in knowing this in the next few steps.

The next three steps work in tandem to help you refine what you will have to work towards in the coming weeks and months, depending on the timelines for which you are setting your goals and activity workload. Do not forget these are your goals and objectives; you get to determine which are most valuable to YOU.


Your first option in determining the next step for your goals and activities is to revise the outcomes you seek and the actions you are taking. With a changing environment, you may still want to achieve what you originally set out to do, but it may need to be adjusted to get to that point. Define those needed new steps and make the updates for how and what you will do now to get to that same destination.


Now is not the time to add a bunch of new items to your list. I am sure we all have more than enough on our lists to keep us busy. We all likely have many things we would like to be doing in addition, but remember, time is a finite resource, and we must prioritize how we spend our time and energy. Ensure you are leaving time for yourself and fun activities that are not part of any goals or work activities. Replacing goals instead of just adding more is an integral part of assessing and updating. Challenge yourself to do no more than match the number of goals you had previously.


Finally, remove the goals, actions, or measures that no longer make sense or are not a priority right now. This works hand in hand with the step above. Some things will have to go. That is okay. They can always be revisited at a later time and reconstituted if necessary.

And a final step to reset and look forward:


Once you have revisited and reconnected to the goals, activities, and outcomes you are looking to achieve, and you have updated, replaced, or removed those that did not make the biggest difference, it is time to recommit to those that you have surfaced as the most impactful. Wipe the previous slate clean, and start anew. Give yourself the feeling of a fresh start with your newly recommitted goals and begin to define the next small steps you will take to achieve each of them. This is where the idea of goal SPRINTS can be beneficial to ensure you are creating constant forward momentum.

These six steps can assist you in continually looking to improve what you are hoping to achieve. This is not a process that only needs to take place once or twice a year. These activities can be regularly enacted and should be a part of your quarterly goal review process to help ensure you are always working on the most important and relevant items that matter most to you.

When will you set aside time to complete your six-step set up for success activity?

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