3 Things You Control Everyday That Will Make All the Difference

The last several months have proven that there are many things outside of our control. No one could have planned for the changes, challenges, and even opportunities that this year has already presented us. 2020 has many people shaking their heads. What we witness may make us shake our heads, search our hearts, or ponder the possibilities of what could be next. It is all a matter of perspective.

I suppose I should clarify that last statement, as there have been horrific events that have occurred so far this year and regardless of the impact they have had on you personally, there is no positive spin to place on people dying of a disease, racism, or while standing up for what they believe in. Each of these situations also presents opportunities for learning, improvement, and outright change. How we approach that is up to us. We each have a choice.

While it is abundantly clear we cannot control all things, the last several weeks and months have reminded me that we can determine how we react and ultimately decide our response and some of the outcomes that surround us. There are three things we do own every day.

“Your attitude defines your altitude” - Zig Ziglar


I have written before that no one else can control our attitude, that is a decision that we solely make for ourselves. It is the foundation for who we are and all that follows. Attitude is a choice. We can choose to see all that is bad. We can be selective in what we follow and subscribe to. That could be all of the negative news or all of the positive news. Better, choose to learn from multiple perspectives and ensure you have a balanced view to help guide the attitude you select for each moment.

“Do or do not, there is no try” - Yoda


Don’t misunderstand Yoda’s words. There is always the need to try new things. The real meaning behind his words is about choosing the effort and belief you put into what you are doing. If you convince yourself you’ll only try you are less likely to succeed. If you apply the effort you know is required for success, the likelihood of a positive outcome is greatly increased. Effort is highly related to attitude. Think about a time you had to do something that you were not fully committed to or had a bad attitude about. How did it turn out? Marginal at best? Maybe worse. What we put into something is usually all we can get out of it. Attitude is a multiplier of effort. Feeling good about something will naturally increase the effort you put into it. The more effort, the better the outcome.

Just Do It - Nike


Noting happens without action. Action only happens when we choose to take it. We control what we do or don’t do. If we want things to change, we need to take the steps necessary to bring those desired outcomes to life. Over the past several weeks we have witnessed people taking actions to stand up for what they believe in. They are effective at creating awareness and change. Our actions of staying home, quarantining, and social distancing were all actions that helped us stay safe and change the trajectory of what could have been a much worse outcome at the start of this pandemic. These will be actions we continue to take to maintain that, along with other tools we have learned along the way. Actions can be a broad term and applied to many things, but even with a positive attitude, if we do not turn that into meaningful steps, it will not lead to anything new or different. Once again, we have a multiplier effect from the effort we put into those actions. The more effort, the better the output.

Attitude, effort, and actions - three things we control and which work symbiotically to affect and determine the results and realities of our world. So, even when there is so much we cannot control, there are core items we can and do control that can determine the long-term environments, culture, and the world we live in.

How do you choose your attitude? Determine your effort level? And then, take action?

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Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash


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