2 Ingredients in the Recipe for Being a Successful All Day Leader

Leadership is a full-time role. Your team counts on you to be ready to support, serve, and develop them at any time they need you. You want to be ready for any situation that arises and ensure that your best self is geared up for their needs. But how can you set yourself up for that high expectation?Here are two things that it takes to help you be an all day, everyday leader for your team.

Energy for Innovation

Creativity is an important aspect of successful leadership. That doesn’t mean you have to be able to draw, paint, or design beautiful pictures, but you do have to craft visions for what is possible. That is absolutely a form of creativity. Innovation itself can be defined in different ways, in this case, it may be a matter of taking common ideas or solutions and applying them in new ways to fit the situation you or a team member find themselves in. All of that takes energy and a clear mind to identify the right ideas. Taking care of yourself is the best way to ensure you will have the energy levels for generating those innovative brain bursts.1) Make sure you have an exercise routine. It may sound counterintuitive that expending energy will create energy, but it does. I find that I have a clearer mind and am ready to take on more after I finish an exercise session. 20 minutes on the treadmill or a brisk walk outside can give you hours of new energy to take on a new task or complete one that has been lingering. I have built exercise into my morning routine. Now just the act of putting my running shoes starts my energy levels.2) Eating right can give you a boost as well. Avoid the highs and lows that come with heavy sugar based foods. You may feel like you get a surge of energy from that yummy snack, but just as quickly you will feel the sluggishness that follows as the sugar wears off. Instead, a healthy, protein-based snack may be the best solution for a sustained energy boost. Combine that with overall better eating habits and a balanced diet and you can set yourself up for an even day every day in terms of feeling ready for whatever you may face.3) Drink more water to keep your mind ready for the next challenge. Staying hydrated is one of the best things you can do to enable your brain and body to do its best work. Start your day with a big glass of water to jump-start your energy each morning and then continue to fuel it throughout. As you transition from one project to another, it is a perfect time to take a short walk, stretch your limbs, and grab a full glass of water. This will set you up for a positive session to get real work done. You may be amazed how this simple thing can make such a difference.

Stamina to listen and lead all day

Energy alone will get you going and ensure you are ready for action, but being able to stay in it all day takes stamina. Sometimes the biggest challenges come at 4 o’clock. As much as we would prefer all of the tough things to happen first thing in the morning when we are fresh, we don’t have that luxury. Making sure we can perform at a high level at any hour can make all of the difference for many leaders, especially those of us in retail where it can be a 24/7 business. Taking action each day to be prepared for this starts with the night before.1) Get plenty of rest each night. Many folks in retail wear 4 hours of sleep as a badge of honor. The problem is, as much as we think that is enough, for almost everyone it is not. 7 hours of sleep is usually the minimum amount of sleep that everyone needs to ensure they will be ready to perform at an optimal level. In fact, the lack of sleep has a cumulative effect and studies show that several days with too little sleep can have the same effect as being drunk. How well do you think you would handle a difficult situation after several alcoholic drinks? You may be already doing something similar and not know it if you are sleep deprived.Getting enough sleep will also ensure your brain can focus on the important details throughout the day. Ever find yourself drifting off during a one on one session late in the day? I can certainly recall many instances where I am simply unable to give my undivided attention after a busy week where I have sacrificed sleep for several days. Don’t let this become a habit for you. Establish an evening routine that allows you to get to bed in time to enjoy a full 7 to 8 hours of sleep. The best leaders choose to wear that as their badge of honor.2) Take regular rest breaks throughout the day. No one can push on at 100+% every hour of every day. Build in short breaks throughout the day to get away from your work efforts or meetings. It is easy for retail leaders to get stuck in the moment and forget they need to take breaks too. We may preach that our team members need to take their meal and rest periods (and don’t forget California requires it), but leaders need to do this as well. Take a walk outside. Listen to some music. Or find something funny to watch on your phone - that’s right, it is your time, so do something you enjoy. And while you’re at it, grab a glass of water and kill two birds with the same break time.For the advanced level, and really brave, find a quiet place and grab a short 10-15 minute nap. I know it sounds a little goofy and it may be a challenge to do, but there are huge benefits of catching a quick few minutes of sleep during the day. I have heard Michael Hyatt (a successful Fortune 500 CEO and current CEO of INC. 5000 Small Business) mention many times that he takes a nap daily. He describes his habit, even before becoming a successful small business owner, as grabbing his keys, leaning back in his chair at his desk and when the keys fell out of his hand it would wake him up and he would be ready for the rest of his day. Read his article Why You Should Take a Nap Everyday for more details.There are many contributing factors and skills that go into being an effective retail leader. However, in our busy world where days can be long, situations stressful, and demands high at all hours of the day, we need to be ready to lead and any moment. Establishing the right routines to provide energy for innovation, and stamina for listening will ready each of us to be all day leaders.What will you add to your routine to become a better all day leader? Share your ideas in the comments section.Photo by Jiyeon Park on Unsplash Join other retail leaders in continuing their development journey with Effective Retail Leader.com. SUBSCRIBE today to receive leadership tips directly to your inbox and monthly newsletters that provide many tools to help further develop your leadership skills. JOIN NOW!No spam ever - just leadership goodness.


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