May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month - May with green ribbon

May is mental health awareness month. Unbeknownst to me, this originated in the United States way back in 1949. If that is news to you also, it may be indicative of the limited awareness of mental health in general. Until recently, it was rarely spoken about and always seemed very taboo. It was established to raise awareness about mental health issues and promote mental wellness. Mental wellness, another concept that really has not been openly discussed. Only in the last few years has the topic taken on a more mainstream visibility and not limited to something where people thought it meant someone would be in a hospital or some type of mental institution. The truth is, we are all subject to mental health concerns. Stress, anxiety, general concern are all components of mental wellbeing.

Mental Health Awareness month takes place throughout the month of May and serves as a time to raise awareness, educate the public, and advocate for policies and initiatives that support mental health. While Mental Health Awareness Month originated in the United States, its impact has extended globally. Many countries now recognize May as Mental Health Awareness Month and participate in activities and initiatives to promote mental health awareness and support. Often, the annual event has specific themes that bring further education into the overall topic, especially if there are relevant mainstream connections.

Bringing more awareness to the topics helps to reduce (and hopefully eliminate) the stigma that can be attached to the subject. The misunderstandings surrounding mental health can prevent individuals from seeking help and support, so efforts during this month typically focus on promoting acceptance, understanding, and empathy towards those experiencing mental health challenges.

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I felt it was important to highlight this topic and dedicate the next several articles, throughout the month, to bring more attention within our retail space and to leaders in general. Mental health challenges are a growing concern in the retail industry. Over the past few years, the space has become more challenging, with more reported incidents of violence towards retail workers. Plus, the dynamics of worker shortages, rising costs, layoffs, and pressure for sales growth all take a multiplying effect on retail workers and leaders. It is a more significant issue than most assume.

My goal is to not only raise awareness of the issue, but to provide ideas and thoughts on how to address your own concerns and prevent extended bouts of a mental health crisis. Much like a good exercise program can be a proactive approach to physical health, we can work on ways to practice mental wellness and maintain a healthy balance within our lives.

Maintaining a positive mental health environment is good for everyone, and is a key way of improving productivity, reducing costs associated with absences, building a positive workspace, and a loyal culture that will help any company thrive. When you consider this, even on the surface, it seems like a no-brainer to invest more time and energy in the mental support of all team members.

In the coming weeks, I will share ideas on why this is so important within our retail industry, share technology solutions that can help with calming your mind, and ideas on how you can understand your situation and recharge regular to ensure you never push to far and reach a critical stage of mental breakdown. This is something no of us can afford to take for granted or keep our head buried in the sand any longer. Let’s attack this head on just like we would any other pressing situation we face each day. We can learn, grow, and take better care of ourselves and each other together.

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